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Ray White Manly’s 1000 courtesy calls to the area’s elderly

Ray White Manly has sought to ensure the local community knows there is always someone else on the end of the phone should they need it, undertaking more than 1000 courtesy calls to the elderly in their area.

“We have a great relationship with our local MP, so my Sales Associate Jack Chadwick and I reached out to see if there was anything we could do to help and support our treasured community,” Ray White Manly Principal Scott Kelleher explained.

“It’s so important in times like these that we come together as one – and it’s amazing what a simple phone call and a chat can do for someone’s spirits.

“We received a list of 1000 people between the ages of 70 and 80 and we wasted no time in calling up to see if they were okay and if there was anything we could do to help.”

Mr Kelleher said, fortunately, many of the older generation have their family around them, but the team did have the opportunity to enjoy some great conversations with those who don’t have that luxury.

“One lady we spoke to was suffering from a leaking tap she couldn’t fix, so we sent over the plumber we use for our property management, and they fixed it up for her,” Mr Kelleher said.

“I have to commend Jack. He spent 20-30 minutes on some conversations because he understands how lonely isolation can be for some people – we simply wanted people to know they were absolutely not alone during all of this.

“We’re now doing the same calls to our database to see how they’re getting on – and the lovely thing is – they’re asking us questions back to see how we’re faring.

“At a time when you have to stay at home to save lives, it was humbling to be able to make a difference, even if it was just to talk or to fix a leaking tap,” Mr Kelleher said.

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