We Are Real Estate

Reece O’Brien: Importance of mentors

After being taken under the wing of Principal Adam Kratzmann, RE/MAX Partners' agent Reece O’Brien calls for a real estate apprenticeship program to help those new to the industry

On getting into real estate
I always had an interest in real estate going back as far as the age of eight or nine, drawing floor plans with my late cousin.

I wanted to try real estate as it appealed to me and after leaving school a few friends had been having some successes within the industry.

I was offered a position in Victoria in my late teens but the timing wasn’t the best and I figured I would chase that opportunity up again down the track.

Well, the track ended up being about 18 years later and in another state! Once I started in the industry, it was then a realisation that all my previous experiences and temperament were a definite advantage in real estate.

I was told on my first day that no two days would ever be the same, and that is one thing that makes this job so great.

The happiest moment in my career
There are way too many to be able to list them all! Looking back, I think the majority of the times when I have been the happiest are when I have made other people happy.

Whether that be a vendor that I was able to negotiate a higher figure than they were expecting, or making that call to the buyer to let them know they’ve been successful and they’ve got themselves a new house.

I’ve said to people in the past that it’s a pretty special feeling being able to tell a vendor you’ve just got them an extra 30 or 40 thousand dollars. It’s not the lotto phone call we all hope for, but it’s probably the closest I’ll get!

To achieve Platinum status in my first year and be a part of the High Achievers Club and their events since, was, on a personal level, a very satisfying experience as it was then I knew I was able to continue in the industry that I love.

The most memorable moment
It wasn’t memorable because it was the biggest or because I got a street record, it was because of how much it meant to the owners.

Early in my career at the first property I sold under the hammer, my vendors were crying tears of joy on their front lawn after exceeding their expectations. That was probably my first insight into how emotional and rewarding this job can be. 

Best advice he’s received
From an industry perspective, the truck loads of advice, mentoring and ongoing help I have received from Adam Kratzmann, my Principal, has been invaluable.

On a personal perspective, to treat others how you would like to be treated in that situation and to not judge people on other people’s opinions. But the elegantly simple one that has been drummed into me from a young age that always runs through my head is: “Work hard and be good to your mother”.

Biggest challenge
I don’t see an overarching challenge that we are headed towards that needs to be rectified as soon as possible.

We are constantly faced with various challenges and issues in this industry that come and go, and we deal with them as they present themselves. I think the major issue currently isn’t necessarily a real estate challenge per se, but a financial one that impacts upon the real estate industry.

With the tighter lending conditions, it has made it harder for buyers to secure their finance and we need to be ensuring that we are qualifying our buyers and giving them good contacts within the finance sector to help with a smooth financial transaction.

Change for good?
I was extremely fortunate to be able to enter the industry as a personal assistant under my Principal Adam Kratzmann.

After a few months he elevated me to become his sales partner and after a few months I went out on my own as an individual agent.

That opportunity I viewed as kind of a real estate apprenticeship and was pivotal in allowing me to hit the ground running in my own business once I started out on my own.

I see agents come into the business who have no experience, no idea where to start, what to do or in what direction and they leave the industry battered and bruised.

If there were some type of apprenticeship, or a personal assistant agreement program in place for existing successful agents to take on these people new to the industry, to mentor and shape them, it would only be a benefit to all involved. 

‘Elite’ agent means
The ability to help people in what can be the most stressful transaction/s in their life and do it so well that they recommend you and want to work with you again next time.

If you are able to replicate a great experience and transaction with buyers and sellers alike, it doesn’t matter if you’ve sold 10 houses for the year or 50 houses, you’re delivering an elite experience for all involved time and time again.

#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent.

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