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REIA unveils the agenda for the Centennial Congress

The Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) has released the final program for the historic REIA Centennial Congress, which aims to examine what the future has in store for the industry.

REIA President, Leanne Pilkington, said the future would demand more of real estate institutes, agencies and of practitioners themselves.

“The REIA Centennial Congress examines the real estate transaction from all angles with priorities determined directly by your real estate institute leaders,” Ms Pilkington said.

“It will take a deep dive into the future customer, housing supply, cybersecurity, anticipatory experience for renters, vendors and investors, interest rates, lending and the Australian economy and how to future proof your business from disruption.

She said practitioners and industry leaders would be able to hear direct from the Assistant Governor of the Reserve Bank, Sarah Hunter, Minister for Housing and Small Business the Hon Julie Collins MP and experts and leading thinkers on critical inputs to a successful real estate sector including: the workforce, AI and digital disruption.

“One topic that is always front of mind is real estate being replaced or disrupted by technology, and alternative futurist and former Lonely Planet Chief Technology Officer, Gus Balbontin, will talk through learnings from an industry that experienced exactly this; and how to future proof a sector to prevent this,” Ms Pilkington said.

“We will also hear from renowned demographer Charlie Nelson, who will take a deep dive into consumer trends economically and politically; as well as emcee and finance expert, Effie Zahos, who will provide a housing market outlook.”

Ms Pilkington said she was delighted to announce that International Real Estate Federation (FIABSCI) World President Budiarsa Sastrawinatra would also attend the ANZ REIA 100 and lead a panel on global insights to housing supply.

“The profitability and resilience of our sector; and the prosperity of our customers – is directly linked by our ability to bring homes to market,” she said.

“The International Real Estate Federation brings invaluable insights into where we can unlock supply using innovations from around the world.”

The REIA Centennial Congress is a component of the ANZ REIA 100 Gala hosted by the Real Estate Institute of Tasmania which looks to commemorate, reflect, look to the future and incorporates the REIA National Awards for Excellence and the Australasian Auctioneering Championships.

The REIA 100 Congress will directly inform REIs blueprint for REIA as part of a larger Centennial Framework.

The REIA Centennial Congress is going to be held in Hobart on the 16th of May at Crowne Plaza.

Tickets are available here.

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Rowan Crosby

Rowan Crosby is a senior journalist at Elite Agent specialising in finance and real estate.