Celebrity Homes

Rent Pete Davidson’s Brooklyn Heights penthouse

Pete Davidson, the actor, producer, and writer, has put his luxurious Brooklyn Heights loft-style penthouse back on the market for $30,000 per month.

The four-storey mixed-use building is located in a bustling corner of Brooklyn Heights and boasts a restaurant on the ground floor and an auto body shop next door, according to The Dirt.

However, once the elevator opens directly into the top-floor unit, the busy borough’s frenetic cacophony is left behind.

The 418sq m apartment has four bedrooms and three contemporary bathrooms, plus a powder room.

The massive great room stretches to 15m, with a sleek kitchen fitted with designer appliances and milk chocolate-coloured laminate cabinets.

Photo: The Dirt/MW Studio

The penthouse also includes several skylights, an in-ceiling speaker system, a spacious laundry room, and a private single-car garage with direct building access.

Photo: The Dirt/MW Studio

The most coveted amenity, however, is the 140sq m private roof terrace complete with a summer kitchen and views that include parts of the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges.

Photo: The Dirt/MW Studio

Davidson, known for his serial dating of high-profile bombshells, leased the penthouse last year before putting his Manhattan-view Staten Island condo on the market.

The 29-year-old actor is currently spending some time in California, where he crashed a Mercedes into a Beverly Hills house recently, fortunately with no injuries.

Carl Gambino and Justin Montero at Compass are the listing agents for the property.

Photo: The Dirt/MW Studio

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