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Roxy Jacenko selling her luxury Paddington office

Well-known publicist Roxy Jacenko is making headlines once again as she embarks on a new chapter in her life.

After recently selling her luxurious Vaucluse home for a staggering $16 million, Jacenko has now decided to list her shuttered Paddington office, according to

The off-market listing comes with hopes of fetching over $10 million, a significant increase from its purchase price of $2.6 million back in 2014.

Located in the charming Annie Wilkes gardens, the office space is currently leased at an annual rate of $338,000 to renowned developer Tim Gurner.

However, with Jacenko’s plans to join her husband Oliver Curtis in Singapore, she has made the decision to part ways with the property.

Roxy Jacenko is selling her Paddington office. Photo:

Curtis, who is involved with the family start-up Firmus, is stationed in Singapore due to his work commitments.

While bidding farewell to her Paddington office, Jacenko has secured a lease on a Double Bay office space, ensuring she can continue her professional endeavors upon her return to Sydney.

Despite rumours swirling about the motive behind the sale of her Vaucluse home, Jacenko has vehemently denied any notion of a divorce or financial troubles.

In an exclusive interview with the Wentworth Courier, she stated, “No, I’m not getting a divorce, and no, I haven’t run out of money.”

The sale of her opulent Vaucluse residence was a momentous event for Jacenko, who fondly described it as “the most incredible family home” that resembled “living in a hotel.”

Roxy Jacenko sold her Vaucluse home for $16 million. Photo:

However, the significant geographical distance between her and Curtis prompted the couple to seek a more convenient living arrangement.

Jacenko emphasised that their lives had undergone significant changes in recent years, leading them to desire an apartment-style living.

Having shut down her Sweaty Betty PR firm in November of last year, Jacenko has shifted her focus to her social influencer promotion business, The Ministry of Talent.

With her unwavering determination and entrepreneurial spirit, Jacenko remains optimistic about the future and the exciting opportunities that await her in Singapore.

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