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Shane Smollen to sell Byron Bay beauty worth more than $40 million

A lavish beachfront property in Byron Bay, spanning three land titles with a 30m coast frontage, is currently drawing significant attention from potential buyers.

The architectural gem at 8 Border Street, Byron Bay, is the result of a three-year collaboration between Workroom Design and Atlanta Building, commissioned by McGrath Director Shane Smollen, his wife Rebecca, and their two daughters.

Listed through an Expressions of Interest campaign concluding on February 2, sales agent Nick Dunn, from Byron Bay McGrath, estimates the property’s value, including land and residence, to be more than $40 million, according to

“It’s the best one in the area by far – no doubt,” Mr Dunn said.

“A parcel of land of this quality and calibre without a home on it has transacted this year at up to $22 million.”

The decision to sell their dream home was driven by a change in the Smollens’ plans regarding their daughters’ education.

Reflecting on his initial reaction to the property, Mr. Smollen remarked, “I saw it and it was paradise and I just knew you just could never do something like that again.”

He further explained that the onset of Covid prompted the family to reassess their lifestyle, eventually leading them to build what they considered their ‘forever house’.

This single-storey residence, spanning 2097sq m, features five bedrooms and six bathrooms over 479sq m of internal space.

It is conveniently located within walking distance to Byron Bay’s centre.

The property’s design, inspired by the family’s Mediterranean vacations, is characterised by clean, minimalist lines, aimed at achieving a timeless elegance.

Key features include imported 3.2m high tiles from Italy, minimal use of paint, 4.5m Blackbutt ceilings, travertine flooring, and a glass-wrapped sunroom.

Mr. Smollen emphasised the importance of durability in their choice of materials.

“We wanted a house that, whilst it would sit beautifully in the literal forest adjacent to the beach, we didn’t want a house that was going to deteriorate in any way in the elements,” he told

The use of stones and porcelains throughout the house is a testament to their vision of creating a lasting legacy.

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