We Are Real Estate

Shaun Blackburn: Service and knowledge beats experience

Honesty and quality service are integral to being an elite agent, says Shaun Blackburn from RE/MAX Success – and it ensures you turn up each day to be a little bit better than the day before

On getting into real estate
When in school I was starting to learn about investing in real estate and a mentor told me that the best way to get into the investment side is to work in it. Second job out of school was then working in real estate.

The happiest moment in my career
Spending time and working alongside the team I work with.

The most memorable moment
It would have been the first property I sold. A little unit that had been on the market for close to a year and a couple of weeks after I started, the right buyer came along.

Best advice he’s received
The best advice I have received would be that service and knowledge beats experience.

Biggest challenge
The biggest challenge for the industry will be adapting to the shift in technology and where attention is heading to online-based platforms. People are quite resistant to change and need to adapt to these changes, as well as notice and take advantage of where the consumer’s attention is heading.

Change for good?
One change I’d like to see in the industry is to break the stereotype that agents need to be able to work 24/7 without the need of a regular holiday like everyone else.

‘Elite’ agent means
To me the definition of an elite agent is someone who is honest with the people they are speaking with, who provides the best service possible in every area, and turns up each day to be a little bit better than the day before.

#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia, exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent. 

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