South Australia is set to be the next state to reform its rental laws, with tenants to be protected from no-cause evictions under the proposed changes.
According to the ABC, under the proposed changes, landlords would be prevented from ending tenancies or stopping fixed-term leases unless there have been breaches by the tenant, or they are planning to sell, renovate or take over the property under the proposed changes.
The Labor government also wants to increase the minimum notice period to end a tenancy from 28 days to 60 days, so tenants have more time to secure a new home.
The changes would also mean that renters would be able to keep pets in rental properties, with reasonable conditions to be set by their landlord, such as keeping the animal outside.
Consumer Affairs Minister Andrea Michaels said the proposals would help address the severe rental shortage gripping the state.
Currently, South Australia has some of the tightest vacancy rates in the country at less than one per cent.
“I’ve heard stories about people who’ve complained about a leaky tap and when their 12 month lease is up, they’re out,” Minister Michaels told the ABC.
“Those sort of situations will end if this legislation passes parliament and gives people that security.
“Our reforms are seeking to address this and provide tenants with additional security in their rental home while still enabling landlords the opportunity to end a tenancy for valid reasons.”
The government is currently beginning the process of talking to stakeholder groups on the proposed reforms ahead of a bill being to be introduced to parliament later this year.