Elite AgentOPINION

Spot the ailment: Dan Argent

With all the talk about vaccines right now, Dan Argent wonders if it's possible to vaccinate against potential road blocks in business

While headlines this year have been dominated by COVID-19, I can’t help but notice that our property industry has been lumbered with an affliction of its own.

It’s so insidious that most agents have barely seen it creeping up and taking them over – but the implications of not acting to wipe out this potentially harmful disease can be devastating.

This industry illness has been brought on by complacency and outdated tradition, and the time has come to not only identify the bug but eradicate it.

Fortunately, I’ve found the cure.

The symptoms

The malady I’m talking about is the inability for our industry to evolve and recognise success is central to the individual agent, not the company they work for.

As agents, we are failing to embrace change and create better businesses that deliver success for both our clients and ourselves.

We are doing a disservice to everyone – family, friends and work associates included.

The symptoms are devious.

They seem like nothing at all and then, suddenly, you spot the ailment and realise you’ve been suffering under its weight for years.

First off, there’s the endless chase for new listings.

Agents in big franchises spend extraordinary amounts of time each week hunting down property listings.

They are making calls, knocking on doors and handing out cards hoping to jag business.

But this agent blight can be avoided – or at least diminished.

I know the ability to hustle is essential, but there are smarter ways to boost your chances of securing listings and avoid the constant fatigue of looking for listings.

You can become immune to the endless grind of the chase, and side-step the burnout, depression, low self-esteem, lack of confidence and rejection that comes from constantly knocking on doors.

Another symptom is poor financial well-being.

Again, agents are experiencing a kind of hallucinatory effect.

They are hypnotised into the idea that GCI within a franchise is a measure of their own financial well-being.

But this just isn’t true.

It’s a mirage.

You see, when you’re plagued by constantly chasing GCI, you become oblivious to that fact that an enormous proportion of the fees you bring in are going straight to the businesses bottom line – not yours.

In most cases, half your commission is being eaten away by agency and/or franchise fees, personal and business marketing, automotive costs, licencing, PA’s wages and even superannuation.

This is despite the fact you, the agent, are doing all the hard work.

The cure

The cure is simple and effective, but receiving this antidote takes an initial dose of courage.

Somewhat ironically, once you decide to move forward with this vaccine and take the plunge, you will immediately recognise a change for the better.

And you’ll wonder why you put up with the complications for so long.

The remedy is to build your own personal brand and be top of mind among sellers as THE specialist in your sector.

Your success leads to the best kind of super-spreading – where clients talk of your achievements with others and your sterling reputation spawns an outbreak of new listings.

You become a leads magnet where sellers start calling you in order to achieve the best result.

There are other excellent side effects from starting your attraction business as well.

Relief comes in the form of multiplying your take-home dollars. Not only are you now the master of your professional sales destiny, but you can establish a solid financial foundation that will ensure your long-term security.

You will be free of the curse of giving up most of your income, and the result is a liberty to choose how to best enjoy your life.

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Dan Argent

Dan has drawn on almost 20-years of real estate experience to re-imagine the purpose of real estate agencies in the modern era, with intentions of turning the old model on its head. To facilitate this real estate revolution, Dan has taken on the visionary role of Chief Energy Officer at UrbanX.

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