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The AREAs are back with a new feel-good award category

The Annual REA Excellence Awards (AREAs) are back to celebrate the success of the real estate industry, with a new wellbeing award added to the list of honours in 2021.

Partnering with health experts at Benny Button for the Wellbeing Initiative of the Year Award, REA Group said it is designed to recognise companies and individuals who have introduced wellbeing initiatives in the workplace to support their teams at work and in their personal lives.

Chief Customer Officer Kul Singh said the ultimate goal of the AREAs is to celebrate the performance of REA’s customers and their outstanding achievements.

“We had more submissions for the 2020 AREAs than ever before and I’m confident the outstanding achievements we’ve seen throughout this year will see a record number of submissions for 2021,” Mr Singh said.

“The unprecedented prize package that comes with the 2021 AREAs will help position winners very well with consumers.

“There are more than 25 award categories with each designed to assist our customers to win new business, helping to demonstrate performance and achievements to potential vendors and clients.”

Established in 2016, last year marked the first time data-led awards formed part of the accolades.

The data-led awards were so successful that they will be back in 2021 with categories including Top Residential Agent, Top Commercial Sales Agent, Top Commercial Leasing Agent and Developer Apartment Campaign of the Year, Developer Builder Campaign of the Year and Developer Land Campaign of the Year.

Submission-based awards include Residential Agency of the Year, Property Manager of the Year, Commercial Agency of the Year, Game Changer of the Year (residential and commercial) and Most Influential Woman in the Property Market (residential and commercial).

Winners will receive the biggest prize package to date with industry media coverage, paid media exposure, professional development opportunities, and more.

Submissions for the 2021 AREAs open Wednesday, 6 October and close Wednesday, 17 November.

Learn more about the awards, including the fully list of categories, here.

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