Every day I receive an email from Seth Godin and I highly recommend you subscribe to him too.
One particular piece that he wrote recently resonated with me.
The piece was titled Systems, Design and The Front Line.
In this blog, Seth talked about how when things are not going well, the buck stops with the boss.
“If you experience lousy service or poor quality, it’s probably not solely the fault of the person who talked to you on the phone, dealt with you at the counter or assembled your product,” Seth wrote.
He continues: “It’s the boss.
“The boss didn’t design the system properly, didn’t align incentives and didn’t invest in training.
“The boss isn’t thinking hard about hiring the right people.
“The boss isn’t listening.
“As a result, the frontline workers are often undertrained, under-resourced and over-scheduled.”
What I would like you to do now is to replace ‘the boss’ with you.
You are in charge of your business, and if things are not going well and the upcoming selling season doesn’t look bright, then you are not listening.
You are not listening to the fact that vendors are calling in other agents.
You are not listening to your past clients.
You are not investing in training around database management.
You are not connecting and, just like the business that Seth referred to, the buck always stops with the boss, and in this case, the boss is you.
The difference I see between average agents and great agents, is that the great ones take responsibility.
Recent times have enabled many great agents to look at their systems and structures, and many have strengthened the areas in which they needed to improve.
I’ve also listened to and watched many agents on social media, talking about the future.
In some cases, they debate what the market will or won’t do next.
For me, it’s a futile debate because no one can control what may or may not occur.
There are only two types of forecasters – those who don’t know and those who know they don’t know.
What you need to do is stay focused on the now.
And that now means connecting with people and ensuring every aspect of your business is strong.
I have this saying that I got from the Queensland Government during the
drought years – “every drop counts”.
Every phone call matters, every person you follow up from an ‘open’ matters, every reconnection with a past client from a past appraisal
They all matter.
Don’t talk to those people about the future, talk to them about what is occurring now.
We are seeing strong sales, strong levels of inquiry and genuine interest in the property industry, now more than ever, in this increasingly challenging time.
I have often shared with you my formula for success in our industry.
Volume multiplied by consistency multiplied by quality.
Let me break that formula down in simple terms.
Just do more stuff, more often.