The Trusted Agent Podcast: Joseph Rossi on data, differentiation, and tapping their power to become a top-performing agent

The way agents use and access property data has changed dramatically over the past few decades, and these days, data and technology are an integral part of the way agents both win new business and understand the market.

Joseph Rossi has been at the forefront of this data revolution, having started out by founding his own PropTech company all the way back in 1982, before going on to work for CoreLogic, who have been a property data industry leader for decades.

In this Trusted Agent podcast with Sean Scoffield, Joseph explains how property data has evolved over the past 25 years and what the game-changing moments have been for agents and the industry.

He also discusses how the top-performing agents are using data and technology differently compared to the rest of their peers and what you need to do to catch up with these industry leaders.

Now a trainer and mentor at Upside Realty, Joseph outlines what he expects to see in the next five years when it comes to data and technology trends, and how agents who are prepared to put the time into learning the tools of the trade will stand to benefit the most.

If you’re an agent, principal or director looking to separate yourself or your business from the pack and become a top performer with the help of data and technology, this podcast will show you how.

“It’s no surprise that the top agents are doing the things with data that you would expect them to do. Sure they’re the big agent or the attraction agent, but they are also the ones that use all the data tools in a very detailed way, while other agents just print out reports and go on their way.” – Joseph Rossi.

Sean and Joseph also discuss:

  • What the leading agents are doing with data and what you need to focus on to keep up and avoid being left behind.
  • How agents can use data and technology to build trust and foster relationships that are built around transparency and honesty.
  • Why the way agents access data is just as important as the data itself, and how it has evolved over the years.
  • How agents can better use data as their front-end marketing piece to help them win more listings and enhance their reputation while building trust.
  • How agents can work with automated valuation models and not against them to help grow their businesses and build a big database of potential vendors.
  • The most effective ways to separate yourself from other agents when everyone has access to the same technology tools and data.
  • How to use data to increase your market share in your area and how to identify the key technology tools you need.
  • Why agents, principals and directors need to be aware of the ownership and privacy issues with data and how to protect your business.
  • How to partner with a PropTech firm you can trust so you’re agency isn’t put at risk.

And much more…

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