• Jonathan Lui: The real estate matchmaker

    Soho founder and CEO Jonathan Lui is a proven entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of Airtasker, which has two million users and has raised $65 million of investment. Jonathan also co-founded the $20 million venture capital fund Tank Stream Ventures, as well as the 700-member Australian network of startup co-working spaces Tank Stream Labs. Download…

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  • Mat Steinwede: How to design a career (and life!) in real estate that’s free from anxiety

    Regarded as one of Australia’s leading agents, Mat has a journey that has been anything but easy. Starting from the bottom and working for the first year with no car, Mat door knocked all day, every day for years to start building his career. Known for his relentless prospecting, even today, 25 years later, he…

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  • The 1 per cent rule in real estate: Leanne Druery

    Leanne Druery was a latecomer to the real estate industry, joining the fold when she was 40. But they say with age comes wisdom and the Gardian agent certainly has plenty of that.  In this revealing podcast Leanne talks about her start in the industry, her success and how she fought back following the death…

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  • How to build customer loyalty for life: Ben Collier

    Ben Collier doesn’t like the limelight, he prefers his results, and that of his team, to speak for themselves. And what an eye-popping collection of results they are. In 2018 Ben was involved in the sale of Rona for a suburb record in Bellevue Hill for $58.37 million. He also achieved the record for the…

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  • Building a real estate business that lasts and becoming a master negotiator: Wayne Marriott

    Wayne Marriott isn’t just fast on his feet, the national masters 100m hurdles champion also knows more than a thing or two about real estate. In this episode of Elevate, Wayne takes Samantha through his early career working for a Melbourne-based sound company that supplied equipment to rock ‘n’ roll artists such as Billy Thorpe…

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  • Navigating legislative changes for NSW agents

    The Hon Kevin Anderson MP, was appointed the NSW Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation in April last year following the re-election of the Berejiklian-Barilaro Government. The Minister oversees a broad range of regulations that affect the day to day operations of business in almost every Australian industry. Over the last 11 months the Minister…

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  • What consumers want from a real estate professional: Owen Wilson, REA Group CEO

    Owen Wilson likes spending time with customers. The REA Group Chief Executive Officer loves nothing more than finding out their needs and then doing his best to see that those expectations are met. In an authentic 'spur-of-the-moment' chat, Owen tells Elite Agent Managing Editor Samantha McLean about his first year in the top job and…

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  • Building a virtual real estate business: Jason Gesing

    eXp Realty is a global cloud-based agency that has taken the industry by storm, with more than 22,000 agents joining the fold in North America and the United Kingdom. As eXp entered Australia last year, Jason Gesing was named the company’s Chief Executive Officer. We met up with him to go inside the virtual world and learn the growth story…

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  • Putting your best brand forward: Lisa Pennell

    With 20 years experience in the real estate industry working with several major brands, Lisa Pennell is currently the head of marketing for the Ray White Group, specialising in brand protection and crisis management. Download the action guide for this episode with more links and resources at “The most interesting thing about the marketing…

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  • Addressing the complex issues in real estate: Douglas Driscoll

    Douglas Driscoll is CEO and owner of the Starr Partners real estate group. With more than 30 offices across NSW, the group is one of Australia’s most trusted and recognised brands. Douglas has officially been recognised for his dynamic and pioneering approach, having been named Industry Thought Leader three times in the past four years.…

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  • The 6 P’s of branding and networking: Reed Goosens

    The author of best-selling book Investing in the US: The Ultimate Guide to US Real Estate, Reed Goossens quit his safe engineering job in Australia to move halfway across the globe to change his life and chase a dream in the US in 2012.  With limited funds, no investing experience, and no established network, Reed…

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  • How Josh Tesolin wrote a million dollars in his first year of real estate

    Josh Tesolin is a man on a mission. At $3 million mission. In just his third year in the real estate industry the Australian Real Estate Sales Manager and Auctioneer is aiming to sell more than 150 properties and write more than $3 million GCI.  It’s not an impossible task for the Quakers Hill area…

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  • Greg Merrilees: How real estate agents can build trust and nurture relationships online

    Robert Cialdini's best-selling book Influence talks about six factors that can help you sell anything to anyone. In case you need a quick recap - they are reciprocity, consistency, social proof, liking, authority and scarcity. What works in the offline - or person to person world - also works with your website according to Greg…

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  • How agents can use LinkedIn to build relationships – Adam Franklin

    Today, we are talking to Adam Franklin – who is the author of Web Marketing That Works – an Amazon #1 bestseller. He is a professional speaker, university lecturer and CEO of Bluewire Media – which he co-founded in 2005. His blog was named Australia’s #1 business blog and his podcast was named #9 on Entrepreneur magazine’s top marketing podcasts.…

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  • How to work less and make more (in real estate!) – James Schramko

    Do you know what your Effective Hourly Rate (EHR)? For employees, it's pretty simple, but if you are a business owner it's a little harder to calculate! It's also a core principle that James Schramko's book Work Less, Make More builds upon to get you using your time more effectively to fund the lifestyle that…

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  • How to embrace change and future proof your business – Gihan Perera

    If the database you’d built for years was hacked and destroyed, would it be the end of the world? Or could you replicate most of your data fairly quickly using other more modern ways of gathering data? Futurist Gihan Perera, in this podcast, throws down the challenge to innovate – particularly in relation to startups that may not have the…

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  • 2020 PM/Leadership Kick-off with Hannah Gill

    Last Saturday we kicked off the year from a sales perspective with Coach Claudio Encina. Today we look at the PM/Leadership angle with one of our favourite industry experts, Hannah Gill. As the MD of one of Australia’s largest rent rolls at Independent with a team of 60 staff, Hannah has been at the forefront of change and innovation in property management for many years. She…

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  • 2020 Kick-off with real estate sales coach Claudio Encina

    Coach Claudio Encina needs no introduction to Elite Agent readers and listeners, he’s been working with us pretty much from the word go, with his popular Ask the Coach column and his role as Head Coach in various rounds of sales transform. Outside of this, he is one of Australia’s most highly regarded real estate coaches and speaks regularly at…

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  • How to get Matchfit in 2020: Andrew May

    How in tune are your body and brain right now - would you consider yourself to be fit for life - or what Andrew May would call being 'Match Fit'? If this is something aspirational for you this year, this podcast is for you. As one of the world’s leading strategists on wellbeing, workplace performance…

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  • Gaining the competitive edge: Victoria O’Sullivan

    How did you end last year? Did you feel tired? A little run down? Did you find yourself at any time sacrificing your personal health for the sake of your business or your clients? Today we are going to kick the decade off with a bang - focusing on your competitive edge and energy in…

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  • A “Useful Belief” review of 2019 in real estate: Chris Helder, Mark Edwards, Samantha McLean

    “There’s a lot of people spending a lot of time working on things that don’t actually matter.” - Chris Helder Chris Helder is a business communication expert and master storyteller whose presentations have radically transformed how thousands of people worldwide communicate with clients, customers, colleagues, staff and teams. He has been a professional speaker for…

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  • Building an audience to generate leads: Samantha McLean and Mark Edwards

    If someone gives you their email address they’re letting you into their very personal space and you need to respect that.” - Samantha McLean Samantha McLean is the Co-Founder and Managing Editor of Elite Agent and host of the Elevate Podcast. Mark Edwards is the Co-Founder and Publisher of Elite Agent. Download the action guide…

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  • What I learned at Harvard University about negotiation: Pancho Mehrotra

    “It seems we are so fixated on more and more and more that we can’t celebrate what we are actually achieving.” - Pancho Mehrotra Pancho Mehrota is the CEO of Frontier Performance and an expert in communication, influence and the psychology of selling.

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  • Bolstering productivity and customer service: David Holman

    “I think the biggest gain in productivity, is to create that level of collaboration and to create the spaces that really allow people to have those key conversations, meet each other and start talking about what they’re doing in their day, their work and hopefully then say how can we help each other be better?”…

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  • Thriving in your first year of real estate: Ryan Smith

    “If I knocked on 100 doors and 99 said no it didn’t really bother me.” – Ryan Smith Realmark Rookie of the Year, Ryan Smith believes in integrity, energy, hard work and creative service in every facet of life, not just real estate. An exceptional sportsman, who represented WA in football and golf, Ryan joined Realmark Urban as a sales…

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  • Embracing online auctions: David Scholes

    “What is most important is for an agent not to be scared to do something different. Not to be scared to approach an owner with a bold new plan … to differentiate themselves. Be adventurous enough to do something different because, I promise you, owners that have to select an agent are not going to be fazed by a person…

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  • Real estate trends in 2020: Dean O’Brien

    “When we sit in a room we are allowed to have a difference of opinion, but when we leave that room we can only have one direction.” - Dean O'Brien

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    The road to financial freedom and creating a life with purpose: Nancy Youssef

    “Like anything where there’s adversity. I see there’s opportunity. And what I’ve seen a lot of business owners do, including ourselves, has been to go back and audit our business and say, right, well this was a bit of a scare. This was a bit of a shakeup. How are we running business today and what are the things that…

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  • Competition, Transparency and Social Proof: Will Ainsworth

    “The only people that will succeed at Openn Negotiation are honest real estate agents, for starters. There’s more work involved in this process than there is under the traditional selling methods, so it does take a bit of time, but once you master it, it’s quite an easy process.” – Will Ainsworth Download the action guide…

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  • Exactly what to say to progress the deal: Jimmy Mackin

    “Sales shouldn't be sleazy. Sales shouldn't be misleading. Sales should not be something where. It's an argument, and oftentimes when we look at the landscape, we look at the scripts that are out there. We found that the outdated techniques that agents were using were both ineffective and didn't really represent what we felt were…

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  • Podcast-Geoff-Grist

    How to become an authority in real estate by writing a book: Geoff Grist

    “If you can find an area that you want to educate somebody about, how you do the job, what happens ‘if’…there’s a lot of things that can go wrong and if you can explain all those in an easy to read way, there’s probably a book in it." – Geoff Grist In this episode of the…

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  • Tara Bradbury – Building A Rent Roll From Scratch

    Tara Bradbury, the Founder of the BDM Academy, has, over many years, being someone who has immensely raised the profile and status of the role of business development manager. In this podcast, she shares not only lessons from her time as a BDM coach, but also now in the role of business owner having this year started a PM business…

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    Perry Marshall – The network effect and how to build a business that lasts

    Perry Marshall is one of the most expensive business strategists in the world. He’s guided clients like FanDuel and InfusionSoft from startups to hundreds of millions of dollars. Not only that, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs uses his 80/20 Curve as a productivity tool. His reinvention of the Pareto Principle is published in Harvard Business Review. His Google book laid the foundations…

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  • Podcast-Jeff-Turner

    Jeff Turner: How to future-proof your real estate business

    Jeff Turner has been a leader in all things digital in the real estate industry for decades - and now he helps tech startups understand and navigate the real estate industry as a part of the NAR incubator program. In this interview with Hayley, we take a deep dive into how technology is changing real…

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  • Hayley Mitchell: How to increase productivity in property management

    Hayley Mitchell started in real estate in 1999 and has worked in all facets of property management. She’s won numerous awards including REIV property manager of the year two times and has twice been named on the Elite Agent industry influencers list in 2017 and 2018. She also recently launched a new business, Geelong Property…

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