What goes on tour lasts long after the tour: Hannah Gill
One of my favourite things about our industry is the focus on and range of professional development opportunities. We have no shortage of conferences, forums, round tables and resources to choose from. There are also so many quality and diverse trainers, speakers, coaches and facilitators, we’re spoilt for choice! In the last few years, I’ve been fortunate enough to attend…
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Don’t run the risk of having to pay for company debts yourself
Recent changes to company tax obligations could put company directors at increased risk of being personally liable for the Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SCG), according to legal experts Meyer Vandenberg Lawyers. They explain amendments to the Commonwealth legislation in April have extended the enforcement measures and decreased the reporting timeframes for a company’s SCG obligations. Meanwhile, further proposed legislation could have…
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Workplace wellness key to success
The best leaders are staying abreast of current global wellness trends and applying them to their own businesses. Then they are closing the gap between what employees value in regards to wellness and wellbeing and what employers provide. Finally, they are focusing on what they can control and influence to improve wellness and wellbeing in the workplace. Following and implementing…
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Five signs you need to improve your business operations and how get started
Efficiency is such a buzz word right now. In real estate, everyone is talking about how they need to become more efficient to remain competitive in a tech-enabled future. In part, much of this relates to having great, repeatable processes that allow you to manage more customers with fewer resources. In sales, you can scale a team and handle more…
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Four missed opportunities that are costing your business
The agencies who will come out of this cycle stronger than they entered it are those who are proactively and critically assessing their people. Using processes and technology, they are taking care to implement changes and future-proof their business. Want to be amongst their number? An area you should interrogate is your underlying business systems. It can be a daunting…
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Finding your break-even point to make better business decisions: John Knight
In business, there are hundreds of numbers you could be tracking and the key is to know which one to focus on at the right time. Recently we’ve had a number of discussions with clients where they have expressed concerns about whether or not they should cut costs in their business. ‘Is it time to batten down the hatches?’ ‘We…
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Pareto people: Sarah Dawson
What do the humble green pea and real estate have in common? The Pareto Principle. The brain child of Italian philosopher and economist Vilfredo Frederico Damaso Pareto, the concept evolved from his observation that 20 per cent of the pea plants in his garden generated 80 per cent of the healthy pea pods. Commonly known as the 80/20 rule, the…
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Reimagine, realign, rebuild
The number one thing leaders need to do in turbulent markets is to reinvest – in people, process and resources. You’ll never cost-cut your way to greatness. To build a great business, you need to be super clear on your operating system. That operating system is built on three foundations: 1. Purpose – why you’re here, what you do for…
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Why creativity makes better leaders
Why do Gandhi, Elvis and Steve Jobs stand out in their respective fields? What is it that makes them different? It’s simple – creativity. Their ability to think outside the box. Their ability to dream and act on that dream. We see leaders, big and small, in everyday life. Every leader has basic problem solving, awareness, communication, decision making and…
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Making your time make you money
No matter what industry you’re in, once you’re looking to grow and take success to the next level, you’re no longer a real estate agent, lawyer, builder, baker, or business consultant. You’re a marketer. And your product is you.
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How to break through the emotional barriers that may be holding you back
Things most people want: to be able to manage their time more effectively, forget self-limiting beliefs and, of course, the ability to make more money.
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It’s the climb: Jet Xavier
In May 2019 I will be taking a group of real estate professionals on a personal development trek to Mt Everest’s Base Camp. The aim of the trek is to help them grow as humans, and also to raise money for the charity Seven Women, which is based in Kathmandu, Nepal. But what many people don’t realise is that the…
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How a SWOT analysis will help your results improve immediately
Q. Last year was very challenging – what can I do to reset for 2019? – Jonathan Warren, Independent Property Group Canberra The new year allows you the chance to do three key things in your business which I call the 3R Principle. Reflect Take the time to review every part of your business by understanding where your results came…
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A new reality: Kate Strickland
When Jess first started her job in real estate, she loved it. She went to work every day filled with passion and purpose, excited about the prospects her new job offered. Fast forward a few years and she now wakes every morning with a feeling of unease. Her sleep is suffering, she’s putting herself last and as such her health…
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Press to success: 19 ideas for agents to get noticed by the media
Writing and sharing a press release is an excellent way to generate awareness and buzz for your business, and it can even be an integral part of your content or property marketing strategy. Writing a press release is a bit different from writing a blog post, as you can’t just hit a publish button- you need to get past a…
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Is the real estate industry too picky?
By all accounts the recruitment market for quality candidates is a competitive space, with over 5,000 agencies in NSW alone vying for top-quality candidates – making it as ruthless as the real estate climate today. In this market, there are a few key factors to consider when looking at your internal people plan. Be clear on your non-negotiables It is possible…
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The uncomfortable actions you need to take to achieve your goals
Most people think that goal achievement is just about writing a set of actions and targets, whereas it is actually about taking actions to achieve your desired goal. Goals provide a purpose for our actions, be they personal or career-related. They can broadly be categorised into outcome goals, performance goals and process goals. Outcome goals are macro-view goals: the big picture,…
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Is it time to interrupt yourself?
As we leave one year behind and look towards the new one, we often find ourselves with the best intentions, feeling totally committed to new outcomes and results. We take time to set our goals and truly desire to do better, do differently and achieve new standards – only to find that after a short period we have reverted to…
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How being quiet can help you find your voice
Recently I went on a 10-day residential retreat to learn an ancient Buddhist meditation technique called Vipassana. It required not talking for 10 days, meditating for 10 hours a day, fasting for 18 hours a day taking only a little fruit occasionally, and being shut out from everything I’ve known in my world for the last 53 years. I did it because…
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Focus on the opportunities: Mark McLeod
Talking to a team of agents on the Gold Coast recently, I asked them to picture a football team who has been playing on a dry surface for the last few years when all of a sudden they have a wet, rain-affected pitch to play on. If the players don’t adapt their game, they will lose. In that game, there will…
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3 culture conversations you need to have at work
Have you ever taken a moment to step back and think about the kinds of conversations you’re having with people within your team? Do you ever intentionally initiate certain kinds of conversations, or do you just let things happen by chance? One thing we have identified within businesses who successfully build strong cultures and alignment across their team is that…
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Why you need to be tech enabled: Mark McLeod
I recently attended the Inman Conference in San Francisco and witnessed the ongoing debate over disruption and technology in our industry. Let’s start the discussion by asking what technology enables us to do. From our perspective it’s designed to get our people to talk to more people, at the right time. But despite technological advances, human connection still needs to…
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Why you need to embrace the future or risk being left behind
In recent years, I have watched audiences at conferences become fascinated with messages from futurists. They have challenged our minds with stories of artificial intelligence, driverless cars and drones delivering our Amazon orders. They talk about a new generation that is growing up and has always been able to interact with their device. The studies show they are now dramatically…
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Four ways to thrive in a changing market
Throughout most of Australia’s major cities, one factor rings true: market conditions have changed. As any seasoned agent knows, change is immutable. It’s the only thing you can rely upon. Signs that change has hit your agency include fewer properties coming onto the market, longer days on market, lower auction clearance rates, circumspect buyers and fewer overseas investors. Paired with…
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5 ways to improve communication in your team
The more I work with agent teams (of all sizes) the more convinced I am that communication is the underlying problem to many frustrations, disappointments and confusion – not to mention wasted time with interruptions, crossover and repeated information. As you may know, I am obsessed with reducing wasted time and increasing productive time, so I am always looking at…
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Five tips for building a sustainable business
After years of rising growth, which some would say were boom market years post-GFC, things were bound to re-adjust. During the good times, we saw the emergence of the million-dollar agent and TV shows of the same name. Seminars and coaching all reflected this new breed of agent and what was possible in real estate – including French champagne and…
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5 reasons your business has no cash in the bank
No one expects you to work for nothing, but principals are often surprised by how much they really take out of their business in a year. The answers are hidden in your balance sheet but, because this is rarely looked at or understood, you are left in the dark. If wages or commissions are taken from the business by the…
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5 steps to long-term business growth
If you want to build a better property management business – one that is successful in the future – you must plant some of the seeds today and be prepared to play the long game. Jo-Anne Oliveri has five simple strategies where consistency will grow the size and value of your business in the future. 1. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE…
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How to secure more business by becoming the easy choice
Let’s say you have been invited to a corporate event but the football game is on and you don’t really want to miss it. What do you do? You justify to yourself that missing one event is not going to jeopardise your work commitment and really, no-one will mind one absence. This is what psychologists call cognitive dissonance. Two thoughts…
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Your first two weeks as a leader: Sarah Dawson
Managing people and leading a team – it’s a career goal that most aspire to. For some it’s considered the ultimate achievement; you’ve made it when you have a team of people looking to you for guidance every day. For others it’s a terrifying experience as they move from an operational role to a whole new ball game. The first…
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20 useful beliefs that are better than positive thinking
If you need either a Simple Shift or some Useful Beliefs in 2021, Chris Helder will be speaking as part of Transform 2021, the 30-day boot camp that will supercharge your success. Sign up now, and take advantage of our early bird pricing. 1. Sometimes bad stuff happens. If you can’t control it, don’t obsess about it. Find the useful belief…
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Why you need a leadership vision
The only reason a goal isn’t achieved is you don’t have a system for it. Intent matters in business; what do you intend to do, how do you want to grow? The bigger the dream, the more important the team. As a leader, you want to create a leader-leader model. Most businesses are leader-follower, where everyone in the business has to…
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The Secret to Making Letterbox Drops Really Work
The faithful letterbox drop was once one of the favourite tools in a real estate agent’s marketing toolkit. However, times have changed. Pamphlets and junk mail get thrown in the trash, largely unread. Rather than engaging potential buyers, you are more likely to be annoying them. Considering the cost and time required to produce and distribute published materials for letterbox…
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Why you need off-field and on-field support to succeed in real estate: Kate Strickland
The real estate industry is fast-paced, there’s no doubt about that, which is why it’s important to manage the high expectations that we set for ourselves as agents. The top-performing agents are hard workers, but driving yourself into the ground is not sustainable. Believe me, I found out the hard way. I am committed to ongoing professional development, implementing processes…
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5 Crucial elements for an effective multi-geographic team: Mark Engelmann
The experts seem to agree that decentralised businesses are highly efficient. Nicholas Bloom, from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, says they are more recession-proof; and former Johnson and Johnson Chairman William Weldon states decentralised firms are more innovative. And here at Beepo, we know the cost efficiencies of not having to upgrade your own office space every time you hire new…
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