Elite AgentElite Agent TVVideo of the Week

Video of the Week – Playboy mansion post-sale marketing

It's not every day you sell one of the most iconic and highest priced pieces of Los Angeles real estate. Gary Gold, from Hilton & Hyland, secured the sale of Hugh Hefner's Playboy mansion for over $100 million in August this year. See how he has recently created a great post-sale marketing video asset.

Using the images that were produced for the sale campaign, in combination with a short live video message of what the sale meant to him personally, Gary has produced a personal brand story which he shared on his Facebook profile. Beyond the transaction this allows him to provide a reminder of the achievement (the first every >$100 million sale in LA) and also a personal profiling asset to attract more listings.

By using the existing photography he has made a cost-effective and consistent asset to use in future marketing. Something that you can also do simply and easily using products such as Busivid. Find out how you can quickly and easily reuse your property images to create something similar for your post-sale marketing.

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