When is the best time to send an email to your database?

Clients are more likely to buy from you when they’re commuting, according to a new book, TAP: Unlocking the Mobile Economy.

A new book, TAP: Unlocking the Mobile Economy by Anindya Ghose, suggests that people are more likely to respond positively to advertising and/or other communication while they are commuting.

According to research published in the book, the reason for this is that people want to ‘switch off’ when they are traveling to and from work. Most people find the commuting experience unpleasant and are therefore more highly engaged with their mobile phone than in other circumstances.

So, according to the book, it seems it’s best to email them is also when they are traveling or on the go.

The numbers in Australia

In Australia, 10.9 million people commute, including 1.7 million who use public transport. Trains are the most popular mode of transportation, according to data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Across Australia, the average commute time is 29 minutes, based on research conducted by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. Sydneysiders have the longest journey, with 24 per cent of people spending more than 90 minutes commuting each day.

What this means for you

Rather than contacting your clients in the evening when they’re likely to be busy with dinner or the kids, you’re best to contact them early morning between 7-9am or 5-7pm at night.

You don’t even need to be at your computer to send messages at these times. Email marketing platforms like MailChimp and Campaign Monitor allow you to schedule communications, so you can choose the time you want them to go out to your clients.

If your content is good and valuable and useful, by sending messages when your clients are paying attention, the response rate should be much better – and that could significantly increase the relationships you are able to build through your digital marketing programs.

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