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Where your buyers will find love this Valentine’s Day: Ray White reveals Australia’s dating hotspots

Are your buyers looking for love this Valentine’s Day? Where they buy may influence their chances more than you think, according to new data from Ray White Group Senior Data Analyst, Atom Go Tian.

The latest figures reveal some striking patterns in Australia’s dating landscape, highlighting bachelor-heavy suburbs, female-majority hotspots, and the influence of geography on romance.

“Among singles aged 20-49, Australia’s dating landscape shows some intriguing patterns that would make even Cupid take notes,” said Atom.

The research, using data from ABS and Neoval, points to regional Western Australia as the most male-dominated area, with 124 single men for every 100 single women, followed by regional South Australia (117 men per 100 women).

This imbalance, Atom explains, is likely linked to Western Australia’s resource boom, with the state home to over a third of Australia’s 350+ mining sites, an industry traditionally dominated by men.

Among Australia’s major cities, Perth leads the way with 112 single men per 100 single women, making it the top capital city for women seeking a male partner.

Meanwhile, regional Northern Territory is the only area in the country where single women slightly outnumber men. Nationally, there are 107 single men for every 100 single women, meaning it’s technically a singles’ market favouring women.

Where to find Australia’s most eligible bachelors

For those looking for the highest concentration of single men, Sydney’s Lakemba takes the crown, with 252 single men for every 100 single women, which more than double the national average.

Sydney dominates the list of male-majority suburbs, with its Inner South West and Inner West regions claiming half of Australia’s top 10 bachelor-heavy suburbs.

Where are the bachelors located? Data: ABS, Neoval

Melbourne’s South East is another key bachelor hub, home to four of the country’s top 10 male-majority suburbs. Property prices in these areas vary significantly, from the more affordable Doveton ($613,717) to the upscale Strathfield-East in Sydney ($3 million).

Where single women are concentrated

On the flip side, Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs are Australia’s answer to Sex and the City, with a high concentration of single women.

Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs have earned their reputation as Australia’s answer to Sex and the City. Data: ABS, Neova

Seven of the nation’s top ten female-majority suburbs are in Sydney, with five in the prestigious Eastern Suburbs and two in North Sydney. However, finding love in these areas may come at a premium, as most suburbs in this category boast property prices in the $3-4 million range.

While Sydney dominates this list, Melbourne contributes two inner-city hotspots: Elwood and Port Melbourne, while Brisbane’s Yarrabilba emerges as a more affordable option at $703,643.

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Catherine Nikas-Boulos

Catherine Nikas-Boulos is the Digital Editor at Elite Agent and has spent the last 20 years covering (and coveting) real estate around the country.