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Why Australia’s top performers are switching to Market Buy

What do Chris Gilmour, Cara Bergman, Mark McGill, Jo Mooney and Brett Andreassen have in common?

A couple of things, actually.

For starters, they’re some of Australia’s top performing real estate agents.

Second of all, over the past few years they’ve all moved across to online offer management platform, Market Buy, with the goal of driving their current success even further.

“The last 12 months have been massive,” Market Buy Chief Executive Officer John Hellaby said.

“Market Buy has quadrupled over the last 12 months in terms of property completions and market share gained.

“In terms of buyer engagement, we’ve seen the number of offers on properties increased nine fold throughout 2021, both as a result of the market’s current surge as well as the increased uptake of the platform by agents and brands.”

According to Mr Hellaby, the number of top performers moving across to Market Buy has grown exponentially, including multiple current and former REI salesperson of the year recipients.

“Market Buy is efficient, transparent and easy to use, which is incredibly beneficial for sellers and buyers,” he said.

“Top performers are always looking for ways to grow their business and Market Buy allows them to do this without any additional costs or any extra staff.

“And it’s an incredibly easy system to implement.”

But it‘s not just top performers making the switch, Market Buy offers serious benefits to agents at all levels, Mr Hellaby said.

“Agents doing one to five sales a month are able to increase their efficiency as well, which has a flow-on effect to other areas of the business, allowing them to grow or work less for the same result” he said. 

They’re also able to carry more listings without requiring more staff or increasing costs, while the transparency capabilities of Market Buy allow agents and agencies to build trust.

“Building trust helps to eliminate a lot of the issues that come from the natural skepticism buyers have towards real estate agents,” Mr Hellaby said.

“That skepticism means agents spend extra time allaying fears, reassuring clients and encouraging buyers.

“By eliminating trust issues, agents are able to create a far more genuinely competitive environment.”

This means, buyers can confidently put their best offer forward, leading to a far better result for the sellers.

Mr Hellaby said the feedback Market Buy has received by the growing number of top performers has been extremely positive.

“They’ve reported faster, more efficient sales with greater results,” he said.

“Not only are they carrying more stock and growing their business, they’re also increasing their revenue.

“Market Buy also gives agents the ability to demonstrate their value in the transaction transparently, which results in greater fee acceptance, ecstatic sellers and makes it a lot more fun working in real estate.”

Mr Hellaby says one of the key reasons high performing agents are drawn to Market Buy in the first place, is because the platform was designed by top performing agents.

“It was designed to solve many of the frustrations and time-sinks top performing agents face every single day.”

Those frustrations and time-sinks aren’t exclusive to top performers though.

“They plague agents and brands at all levels,” Mr Hellaby says.

“And solving them is one of the keys to increasing revenue, growing the business and taking the step to the next level in a real estate business.”

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Nicole Madigan

Nicole Madigan is a freelance journalist for Elite Agent.

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