Celebrity Homes

Wicked! Paul Jennings’ former home hits the market

A Victorian-era home in Warrnambool, once owned by acclaimed author Paul Jennings, has hit the market with an asking price between $1.1 million and $1.2 million.

Located at 236 Merri St, the house features elements of grand design, including 3.96m-high ceilings, ornate cornices, and open fireplaces with sandstone mantlepieces.

Jennings lived in the five-bedroom residence from 1992 to 2001, and during that period, he renovated the property, according to realestate.com.au.

Notably, it was here that he wrote some of his most popular works, including children’s books like Uncovered!, Weird, Weird Stories, The Cabbage Patch War, and the Singenpoo series.

His time at the property also coincided with the airing of the television series Round the Twist, which was adapted from his short story anthologies.

Additionally, Jennings collaborated with Morris Gleitzman on the Wicked! series, later turned into an animated TV show.

Jeremy Gleeson, director of Gleeson Real Estate, noted that the house has been leased as short-stay rental accommodation by its current owners.

“In recent years, upgrades have been made to the kitchen, and an upstairs addition includes two bedrooms, a workspace, and a bathroom,” he told realestate.com.au.

“The upstairs area is quite spacious and offers multiple usage options.”

In 1995, Jennings received recognition as a member in the General Division of the Order of Australia for his contributions to children’s literature.

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