We Are Real Estate

Yvonne Furner: A perfect fit

When Yvonne Furner was disappointed by an agent at a home open, she didn’t complain – she took action. Now the Ray White Dalkeith Claremont agent revels in her clients’ happiness

On getting into real estate
I chose real estate as it was a perfect fit with my extensive sales and business background.

I was prompted by a home open I attended where the agent was unprofessional and not working in the best interest of the seller.

I was infuriated by the lack of integrity of the agent and felt disappointed for the owner who entrusted them with their most valuable asset. I knew that I could do a better job than this person so I enrolled in the course and the rest is history. 

The happiest moment in my career
The happiest moments in my career have been the moments where the client can’t find the words to express their gratefulness and appreciation for all that I have done to change their lives and fulfil their dreams.

I’m always moved when I am surrounded by my clients, who sing my praises and exchange their fabulous experiences when selling their property.

The most memorable moment
The most memorable property I have sold is the first two-storey home in Floreat owned by a gentleman who raised his family and lived there for 50 years.

It wasn’t easy to let go of a lifetime of memories and start the next phase, but the perfect buyer came along and the owner was delighted to pass on the legacy to the next generation.

To this day, he visits and enjoys afternoon tea with the current owner. 

Best advice she’s received
Best advice I have received is to always do what you say you will do and do it with the utmost integrity.

Biggest challenge
The industry is really competitive and with the fast-paced advancement of the internet, buyers are far more savvy.

Agents have to be better trained, more accountable and upskilled, and the non-performers will not be able to hide behind their non-productive busyness!

Change for good?
Accountability of agents’ performance, actions and behaviour. 

‘Elite’ agent means
An elite agent is someone who has demonstrated skills and actions and achieved escalating results with such determination that it elevates them to the next level of success.

#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent.

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